Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hive authentication, authorization, Metastore authentication & authorization with hive important commands

>hive.metastore.connect.retries:Number of retries while opening a connection to metastore.
>hive.metastore.client.connect.retry.delay: Number of seconds for the client to wait between consecutive connection attempts
>hive.metastore.batch.retrieve.max: Maximum number of objects (tables/partitions) can be retrieved from metastore in one batch. The higher the number, the less the number of round trips is needed to the Hive metastore server, but it may also cause higher memory requirement at the client side.
>Javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL: JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore.
>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName: Driver class name for a JDBC metastore.
>hive -S -e "describe formatted <table_name> ;" | grep 'Location' | awk '{ print $NF }'
>Hive.server2.table.type.mapping = classic(HIVE : Exposes the hive's native table tyes like MANAGED_TABLE, EXTERNAL_TABLE, VIRTUAL_VIEW
     CLASSIC : More generic types like TABLE and VIEW)
> =
>  to This will ensure that any table or views created by hive-cli have default privileges granted for the owner.
Set to .
Add to (It takes a comma separated list, so you can add it along with StorageBasedAuthorization parameter, if you want to enable that as well).
MetaStoreAuthzAPIAuthorizerEmbedOnly: This setting disallows any of the authorization api calls to be invoked in a remote metastore. HiveServer2 can be configured to use embedded metastore, and that will allow it to invoke metastore authorization api. Hive cli and any other remote metastore users would be denied authorization when they try to make authorization api calls. This restricts the authorization api to privileged HiveServer2 process. You should also ensure that the metastore rdbms access is restricted to the metastore server and hiverserver2.
You can Set to .
This tells Hive which metastore-side authorization provider to use. The default setting uses DefaultHiveMetastoreAuthorizationProvider, which implements the standard Hive grant/revoke model. To use an HDFS permission-based model (recommended) to do your authorization, use StorageBasedAuthorizationProvider as instructed above.
Storage based authorization :
When a user runs a Hive query or command, the privileges granted to the user and her "current roles" are checked
Users, who have access to the Hive CLI, HDFS commands, Pig command line, 'hadoop jar' command, etc., are considered privileged users. In an organization, it is typically only the teams that work on ETL workloads that need such access. These tools don't access the data through HiveServer2, and as a result their access is not authorized through SQL Standard Based Hive Authorization model. For Hive CLI, Pig, and MapReduce users access to Hive tables can be controlled using storage based authorization enabled on the metastore server.
Note, that through the use of HDFS ACL (available in Hadoop 2.4 onwards) you have a lot of flexibility in controlling access to the file system, which in turn provides more flexibility with Storage Based Authorization. This functionality is available as of Hive 0.14
>HiveServer2 has an API that understands rows and columns (through the use of SQL), and is able to serve just the columns and rows that your SQL query asked for.
SQL Standards Based Authorization (introduced in Hive 0.13.0, HIVE-5837) can be used to enable fine grained access control. It is based on the SQL standard for authorization, and uses the familiar grant/revoke statements to control access. It needs to be enabled through HiveServer2 configuration. 
>>> That is, you can have storage based authorization enabled for metastore API calls (in the Hive metastore) and have SQL standards based authorization enabled in HiveServer2 at the same time.

SQL Standard Based Hive Authorization model:
When a user runs a Hive query or command, the privileges granted to the user and her "current roles" are checked. The user can be any user that the hiveserver2 authentication mode supports.
To provide security through this option, the client will have to be secured. This can be done by allowing users access only through Hive Server2, and by restricting the user code and non-SQL commands that can be run. The checks will happen against the user who submits the request, but the query will run as the Hive server user.
Most users such as business analysts tend to use SQL and ODBC/JDBC through HiveServer2 and their access can be controlled using this SQL Standard Based Hive Authorization model.
Commands such as dfs, add, delete, compile, and reset are disabled when this authorization is enabled
The set commands used to change Hive configuration are restricted to a smaller safe set. This is controlled using the configuration parameter in hive-site.xml.
Privileges to add or drop functions and macros are restricted to the admin role.
To enable users to use functions, the ability to create permanent functions has been added. A user in the admin role can run commands to create these functions, which all users can then use.
The Hive transform clause is also disabled when this authorization is enabled.
The privileges(SELECT ● INSERT ● UPDATE ● DELETE ● ALL PRIVILEGES ) apply to table and views. The above privileges are not supported on databases.
Database ownership is considered for certain actions.
URI is another object in Hive, as Hive allows the use of URI in SQL syntax.
The above privileges are not applicable on URI objects. URI used are expected to point to a file/directory in a file system. Authorization is done based on the permissions the user has on the file/directory.

Object Ownership

For certain actions, the ownership of the object (table/view/database) determines if you are authorized to perform the action.
The user who creates the table, view or database becomes its owner. In the case of tables and views, the owner gets all the privileges with grant option.
The user who created the database becomes the owner role can also be the owner of a database. The "alter database" command can be used to set the owner of a database to a role.

Users and Roles

Privileges can be granted to users as well as roles.
Users can belong to one or more roles.
There are two roles with special meaning – public and admin.
All users belong to the public role. You use this role in your grant statement to grant a privilege to all users.

When a user runs a Hive query or command, the privileges granted to the user and her "current roles" are checked. The current roles can be seen using the "show current roles;" command. All of the user's roles except for the admin role will be in the current roles by default, although you can use the "set role" command to set a specific role as the current role.

Users who do the work of a database administrator are expected to be added to the admin role.
They have privileges for running additional commands such as "create role" and "drop role". They can also access objects that they haven’t been given explicit access to. However, a user who belongs to the admin role needs to run the "set role" command before getting the privileges of the admin role, as this role is not in current roles by default.
IMPORTANT HINT:SQL Standards Based Authorization is disabled For HIVE CLI. This is because secure access control is not possible for the Hive command line using an access control policy in Hive, because users have direct access to HDFS and so they can easily bypass the SQL standards based authorization checks or even disable it altogether. Disabling this avoids giving a false sense of security to users.

>CREATE ROLE role_name;
>DROP ROLE role_name;
>SET ROLE (role_name|ALL|NONE);
>GRANT role_name [, role_name] ...
TO principal_specification [, principal_specification] ...

       : USER user
       | ROLE role

>REVOKE [ADMIN OPTION FOR] role_name [, role_name] ...
FROM principal_specification [, principal_specification] ... ;

       : USER user
      | ROLE role

>SHOW ROLE GRANT (USER|ROLE) principal_name;

>0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> GRANT role1 TO USER user1;
No rows affected (0.058 seconds)


>0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> SHOW PRINCIPALS role1;

            priv_type [, priv_type ] ...
            ON table_or_view_name
            TO principal_specification [, principal_specification] ...
            [WITH GRANT OPTION];

             priv_type [, priv_type ] ...
            ON table_or_view_name
             FROM principal_specification [, principal_specification] ... ;

             : USER user
             | ROLE role

             : INSERT | SELECT | UPDATE | DELETE | ALL

>SHOW GRANT [principal_name] ON (ALL| ([TABLE] table_or_view_name)

>0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show grant user ashutosh on table hivejiratable;

>0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show grant user ashutosh on all;

>0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show grant on table hivejiratable;



ALTER TABLE (all of them except the ones above)

MSCK (metastore check)







>>> EXPLAIN [EXTENDED|DEPENDENCY|AUTHORIZATION] query(shows all entities that need to be authorized to execute a query, as well as any authorization failures.)

Important Linux commands

Vi/Vim commands:
  1. ?/ (search from bottom to top)
  2. /(search from top to bottom)
  3. N(press “n ” for next occurrence of search)
  4. Dd((Of the current cursor positiondelete entire line)
  5. Dd 5((Of the current cursor position delete five lines)
  6. Yy(Of the current cursor position copy the entire line)
  7. Yy 5(Of the current cursor position copy 5 entire line)
  8. P((Of the current cursor position paste the entire line copied)
  9. yw(Of the current cursor position copy the current word)
  10. p((Of the current cursor position paste the current word copied)
  11. dw(Of the current cursor position delete  the current word copied)
  12. o(new line below the current cursor)
  13. shift + o(Of the current cursor position newline above empty)
  14. gg(Of the current cursor position go to top of file starting at first position of record)
  15. shift gg(Of the current cursor position go to bottom of file to first position of record )
  16. cntrl + o ( to beginning of file)
  17. :%s/findwordtoreplace/replacetheexistingword(find and replace existing word with replace word)
  18. :wq(write and quit)
  19. :q!(quit without saving)

  20. :set nu (sets number for the lines in vi editor)
MBR--Master boot record
1.       GRUB-grand unified boot loader
2.       Shell:> init 6 (restart will restart the system in runlevel  6)
3.       configuration files for initialization  /etc/initab
4.       service  are in  /etc/init.d directory
5.       /etc/rc.d  ( for each runlevel there will be a separate directory in which necessary services are started as If defined )
6.       Shell:>last -10(last 10 logins in the system)
7.       Shell:>lastb (last bad login of users)
8.       Shell:>cd /etc/audit(audit directory for the audit daemon)
9.       auditd.conf(This file controls the configuration of the audit daemon)
10.   audit.rules
11.   shell:>ausearch --session 1 (the session details with session id given as “1”)
12.   shell:>aureport(audit report)
13.   shell:>id (gives the current user uid, gid and so on)
14.   shell:>id  kumar(gives the user uid, gid and so on for user  kumar)
15.   shell:> cut -f 1,3,4  -d : samplepasswd(cut and display the required fields in the file)
16.   shell:> cut -c 1-3  samplepasswd(cut the characters and display)
17.   shell:> grep 'bin/bash' ./samplepasswd(Get the output from the file which has the lines ‘bin/bash’)
18.   shell:> grep 'bin/bash' ./samplepasswd  | cut -d ':' -f 1-6  samplepasswd
19.   shell:> awk [ -F fs ] [ -v var=value ] [ 'prog' | -f progfile ] [ file ... ]
20.   -F = field separator for regular expression fs
21.   -v = Assaigns the value to the variable var before executing the awk program
22.   Prog =An awk program
23.   -f= awk program in a file to be executed
24.   File = the file name to be operated on.
25.   Shell:> awk ‘print  $0,$3,$4’  Deptssaleamounts.txt
26.   Shell:>wc Deptssaleamounts.txt(give the printout of line, words, bytes count for each file)
27.   Shell:>netstat  –r (routing tables)
28.   Shell:>netstat –u (udp connections), netstat –t(tcp connections), netstat –l(listening ports),netstat –p (program name),netstat –g (IPv6,IPv4 group memberships),netstat –I (kernel interface tables),netstat –a
29.   Shell:>passwd(change password for current user)
30.   Shell:>cat  /home/kumar/.bash_history | less
31.   Shell:> aulastlog(gives the last login information , need to be a super user to execute this command)
32.   Shell:>grep -options 'regex' <filename>
33.   Shell:>watch –interval  120   datetime( watch and prints output on console for a program to for the specified interval)
34.   Shell:>tail –n 5 passwd(prints the output of last 5 lines on the console)
35.   Shell:>adduser kumar (needs to be super user to execute this command), use passwd to set a password for the user
36.   Shell:>Lastlog (last logins on the system)
37.   Shell:>Usermod [options] <login>
Options are –d , - - home (to change home directory)
38.   Usermod -e (set expire date)
39.   Usermod –g users kumar (set a group )
40.   Usermod –a   -G admin Kumar  (set Kumar to supplementary, or secondary  groups without disturbing primary group)
41.   Shell:> Tty (prints the file name of tty connected to standard input)
42.   Shell:>Ps --help
43.   Shell:>ps –ef(list all process “–e” running on a system with full format “ –f” listing.
44.   Shell:>Ps aux(gnu style )(“-a” list w/ tty except session leaders ,” –u” by effective user id,”-x” processes w/o controlling ttys)
45.   Shell:>Ps  T (all process running on this terminal)
46.   Shell:>Ps –u  root, ps –u(list all the processes by effective user id)
47.   Shell:>ps aux | grep mysqld
48.   Shell:>pgrep sshd
49.   Shell:>pidof  bash (find process id of running program)
50.   Shell:>Pidof sshd
//pid -fu samuel
51.   Shell:>kill -9 1540(sshd pid is 1540)
52.   Shell:>free –ml (show high and low”-l” memory statistics in “-m” mb)
53.   Shell:>fuser –muvf /home/kumar/exportfromhive (identify process using files or sockets)
54.   Shell:>top (interactive output of linux tasks /processes running with cpu and memory usage
55.   Shell:>top -u samuel
56.   Shell:>service httpd start(start httpd service which is webserver)
57.   Shell:>ftp (ftp to address)
58.   Shell:> sftp (sftp to address)
59.   ftp>mput  *.txt  (put file from current directory of type *.txt onto ftp site)
60.   ftp>mget *.txt
61.   Shell:>sort -r filea.txt(reverse the result  in descending order)
62.   tar -cvf archive-name.tar /home
63.   tar -xvf archive-name.tar
64.   Shell:>grep Samuel    /etc/passwd   (grep Samuel details in /etc/passwd)
65.   Shell:>find / -name     /etc
66.   Shell:>ps -ef | grep init
67.   Shell:>kill -9 <pid>
68.   Shell:>rm –I  /home/kumar/*temp.txt (prompt before removal)
69.   Shell:>rm –rf   /home/kumar (remove with force directory and its contents)
70.   Shell:>lsof -i TCP:22(list open files for tcp on port 22 of any internet address matches ‘-I’)
71.   Shell:>lsof -u samuel ( list open file for user samuel)
72.   Shell:>lsof -i 4(list open file for IPv4)
73.   Shell:>lsof -i 6 list open file for IPv6)
74.   Shell:>lsof -i TCP:1-1024
//Shell:>lsof –u ^root  kumar
75.   Shell:>lsof -i -u samuel
76.   Shell:>lsof -p  ^I ,^2 (list open files for other processors than 1 and 2)
77.   Shell:>kill -9 `losof -t -u samuel`
78.   Shell:>find . -name temp
79.   Shell:>find /home -iname case insensitive match)
80.   Shell:>find / -type d -name etc
81.   Shell:>find / -type f -name passwd
82.   Shell:>find / -type f -name '*.php'(find file name)
83.   Shell:>sudo find / -type d -name '*.d' | less( find directory )
84.   Shell:>history 5(last 5 commands typed)
--------------------       ----------------     -------------------------
System time information and details.
85.   Shell:>cd /usr/share/zoneinfo (find the zones )
86.   Shell:>cd  /etc/sysconfig/clock( The file which time zone is set for the system)
87.   Shell:>echo 'ZONE="Europe/Copenhagen"' (the display the zone of particular region)
To remove the current zonetime and set a new time zone
88.   Shell:>rm -f /etc/localtime;(remove the current localtime)
89.   Shell:> ln -s  /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Copenhagen    /etc/localtime(set a symbolic link to zone according to the requirement)
//$ diff -s /etc/localtime  /usr/share/zoneinfo/`cat ./etc/timezone`
90.   Shell:>diff -s ./localtime     /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Michigan(Compare files line by line.)
//dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
--------------------        --------------------------------------
91.   Shell:>tar -tvf sample1-org.tar.bz2
92.   Shell:>tar -xvf   sample-org.tar
Shell:>tar  --extract
93.   Shell:>tar   -zxvf     sample-org.tar.gz
tar --extract     --file=sample-org.tar.gz
94.   Shell:>tar -jxvf sample-org.tar.bz2  (  ‘-j’ option for bzip2)
tar --extract    --file=sample-org.tar.bz2
95.   Shell:>tar -xvf sample-org.tar    ''    ''
96.   Shell:>tar -zxvf sample-org.tar.gz       ''    ''   (‘-z’ required for gzip)
97.   Shell:>tar –jxvf    sample-org.tar.bz2       ''   ''
98.   Shell:>tar -xvf    sample-org.tar    --wildcards    *.sh'
99.   Shell:>tar -rvf sample-org.tar     orderfiledir  (add files to end of archive)
100.         Shell:>tar xvfw sample-org.tar(not valid for bz2,gzip)(verify the archive after writing it)
101.         Shell:>uname –a(linux  distribution complete details)
102.         Shell:>id(id under which u are operating as)
103.         Shell:>hostname(hostname given to the IP address)
104.         Shell:>useradd kumar
105.         Shell:>chfn -f 'kumar t' kumar(chfn is used to change your finger information. This command will display four pieces of information that can be changed by chfn: your real name, your work room and phone, and your home phone in RHEL distribution.)
106.         Shell:>usermod kumar
107.         Shell:>/usr/sbin/usermod -p '$1$u??e?z?.....' kumar(use encrypted password)
108.         Shell:>groupadd devteam
109.         Shell:>groupmod
110.         Shell:> cat  /etc/passwd(password file)
111.         Shell:>cat /etc/groups(group file)
112.         Shell:>cat /etc/shadow (encrypted password file for users)
113.         Shell:>/etc/shadow/g
114.         Shell:>who
115.         Shell:>whoami
116.         Shell:>chmod u+x demo1(change  add file permissions for demo1 file for user )
117.         Shell:>chmod u-x demo(change  remove file permissions for demo file for user )
118.         Shell:>chmod a=rwx demo((change  add file permissions for demo1 file for user )
119.         Shell:>chmod 744 demo
120.         Shell:>chown kumar:devteam
chown [OPTION]... [OWNER][:[GROUP]] FILE
121.         shell:>chgrp  -hR   devteam    /home/kumar/changedir
122.         shell:>find . type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
123.         shell:>find . -type f -exec chmod 777 {} \;
124.         shell:>find . -type d -name join* -exec chmod 777 {} \
125.         -------       -------------              ----------------------
126.         Shell:>Bind:bekerly intenet name system
127.         Shell:>Dig  (cat /etc/resolv.conf  to  IP   address  of known domain servers)Dig is  Dns lookup utility)
128.         Use a Specific DNS server Using dig @dnsserver. By default dig uses the DNS servers defined in your /etc/resolv.conf file. If you like to use a different DNS server to perform the query, specify it in the command line as @dnsserver
129.         Shell:>cat /etc/hosts (list of computers on your network)
130.         Shell:> cat /etc/nsswitch.conf ( watch the file to see exactly where the user passwords  and other important information being persisted with different options of local file system , dns , database or anywhere else.Indicates the system where to look for host system related information.)
----                            ----------------------------------                      -------------------------------
131.         MTA(mail transfer agents) sendmail, pop, Imap
132.         MUA(mail user agent) Evolution(supported by Linux to draft a email) , mail, netscape
133.         MDA(mail delivery agent)Lda, local,(procmail)
134.         mail program is used to transfer mails
135.         shell:>cd /var/spool/mail ( is where the sent or received mails are stored for each individual user in the directory as specified)
136.         bashshell:>mail usrname < user.txt
137.         shell:>cd etc/mail( mail program location)
138. configuration file
139. macro for file for use with sendmail)
140.         bashshell:>m4 etc/mail/ >  /etc/mail/ (m4 is  a macro processor . Process  macros in FILEs.  If no FILE or if FILE is ‘-’, standard input is read.) esyscmd() tells m4 to run the given shell command and insert its output at the given location.define command defines the macro. ifdef checks if a macro has been defined.
-----------------                             -----------------------------------------------------
141.         shell:>/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start(location of httpd program location .httpd is the webserver program)
142.         shell:> service httpd start
143.         shell:>chkconfig --level 5 httpd on (automatically start the httpd daemon)
144.         or
145.         shell:>redhat-config-services(It is stated that you can get to Services via, System → Administration → Services or by typing system-config-services at shell. To install use yum install redhat-config-services to install with dependencies)
146.         shell:> less /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf(configuration directory for httpd service)
The httpd.conf file has lot of information regarding serverroot, listening for traffic, addons to apache web server called modules, extended status is on or off, user and group running apache web server who is owner and which group can run, servername ,log files storing ,log files information format, document root, restricting access to webserver using  <Directory “/”> saying allow or deny for the folder/directory,  saying which host machine can access it ).Different options directives can be set such as Indexed, includes, FollowSymlinks, Exec CGI, Multi views, these option directives can be set as “all/none” with  restricting access to them with “allow/deny” qualifiers. Allow override directive for directory by directory can be given in httpd.conf file to restrict access.  “.htaccess “ file should be created in  each directory in apache webserver directories based on access rights set using allow override  directives  on those directories  in httpd.conf file .
Sample snippet :            order deny , allow
Deny from all
Allow from www.***.com
And you can also restrict access to directories  by setting passwords by using command such as
htppasswd    –c    webusers   kumar( to add more users to file webusers password file use” htppasswd webusers Samuel”) . And the apache to use  this kind of authentication to restrict access you should change the settings in conf file as   “Auth Name SecretStuff
AuthType Basic
Auth User file  <path-to>/webusers
Require valid-user “

147.     shell:> yum search system-config-services
148.     shell:>redhat-config-services (redhat graphical user
    interface tool can be  used to configuration service)
149.         apache web server main packages(install all the below rpm’s to get the full functionality of apache web server)
httpd, httpd-devel(development tools for apache web server),redhat-config-httpd(Graphical user interface help to configure  web  server), httpd-manual(documentation for the web server where it is located in directory at   /var/www/html/manual)
mod-perl(perl lanquage interperters for apache web server),mod-python(python lanquage interperters for apache web server),mod-ssl(for encryptions so you can use protocols like secure http),autoconf(to create scripts),automake(make files),libtool(generic library tools for apache)
-------------------       ---------------------------------------------------

150.         Shell:>mount   /misc/local  (this command mounts the nfs share with server:directory details to the local machine directory. This command is used as a set up for one time use only)
151.         fstab(file system table configuration file)
example : /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root /    ext4    defaults,noatime,discard,acl,usrquota        1 1(a entry in fstab file to set user quota)
152.         nfs –server configuration  “/etc/exports” is a configuration file . Command is
“directory host(options) [host (options)]”
Option asnyc is write to cache memory and then once it is full then write /sync   Is force write to disk ,“no_root_squash” options is set to specify  no added privileges for client user on the server machine to make any changes to dir/files, options “ro/rw” is read only access and rw read write access.
153.         This is the entry in Fstab to mount the /usr/local/bin on nfs server to local /bin directory everytime the system starts up. “server:/usr/local/bin   /bin    nfs      rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr”( the rsize and wsize of data the client and server exchange with each other)
154.         webmin interface( GUI interface to add nfs sever share point to local file system, which is better to do to in correct format instead of using emacs or VI)
155.         Bonnie,Bonnie++, IOzone benchmark testing tools( Benchmark programs used between nfs server and client to determine  the rsize and wsize  ) You want to experiment with rsize and wsize that works and is fast as possible
156.         From the client machine type “time  dd    if=/dev/zero   of= /mnt/home/testfile     bs=16k    count 16384” and time it and find the best time it works. “time” : times  a transaction, “dd” convert and copy a file  dd of option: write to file instead of stdout, dd if options reads from file instead of standard input, bs options reads and writes bytes at a time, count options count only BLOCKS input blocks. And after the above  procedure read it back to the client machine “time  dd  if= /mnt/home/testfile  of=/dev/null    bs=16k”. Average the time and figure out the best rsize and wsize.
157.         Shell:>mount –l(shows the mount including with labels)
158.         rmp -ivh package_name(install options install, verbose and hash options)
159.         rpm –qa  vsftpd* (verify options,query all)
160.         rpm -e vsftpd- options/uninstall)
161.         rpm -ivh     --nodep      --force (to force and install without any dependency check.
162.         rpm -Uvh     package_name(update it with option “-U”)
163.         rpm –Fvh    package_name(freshen it up with option “-F”)
164.         rpm -qip    /home/kumar/Desktop/teradata-connector-1.4.1-h(query about the connector with option “-q”, -p package, -I info.
165.         [kumar@localhost ~]$ rpm -qpl  /home/kumar/Desktop/teradata-connector-1.4.1-hadoop2.x.noarch.rpm(check the rpm file with more detailed info , -l list )
166.            [kumar@localhost ~]$ rpm -qf /var/ftp/pub
166.(check the file is created in which step)
167.         rpm –Va  package_name (verify –V, -a all)
-------------------                               ----------------------------------------------------------------
168.        monolithic     vs    modular kernel's(manolithic kernel has everything inside of it , where as modular you install the necessary modules based on the need)
169.        Initial RAMDISK (iscis initiators)(initial ramdisk is a disk image in memory . Most of the usage of the initial ramdisk is because the hard disks are scsi disks , the scsi drivers are not part of initial load of kernels modules, so you need a initial ram disk to boot of the system properly with scsi drivers.
170.        In symmetric multiple processors machines you should install SMP kernel version for compatibility.
            New RHEL5 based kernel uses different flavors naming:
  • UP kernel is no longer provided
  • SMP kernel comes without any flavor (like old UP)
  • entnosplit kernel comes as PAE
  • enterprise kernel comes as ent
  • ovzkernel.x86_64 for 64-bit
171.        to create a checksum for any file
 shell:>md5sum  <filename>
172.        go to grub.conf and find the boot section and find the title to figure out how many kernel versions are installed on  the machine.
173.        Download the kernel in /tmp directory. And install the kernel with “RPM –i   /temp/ kernel-2.4.19-3.i386.rpm”
174.        To see which processor u have go to shell:> cat /proc/cpuinfo and see the details of the processor . Based on cpu info you must download the kernel and install the kernel. “uname    –a
175.        There are two distributions of kernels available one in source code and one in binary. The source code distribution of kernel version is denoted by kernel-****src.rpm  and other with binary version which is compiled ready to install. The src distribution should be compiled to binary before installation.
176.        shell:>cd /boot  and do a listing  ls command directory to see the different files such as config-***(configuration file) ,initrd-***(intial ram disk ), modules files , system map, actual kernel for each distribution of kernel installed on the machine.
177. To install a kernel you need the following package
 RPM’s Kernel-source-*,
glibc-kernel-headers-*(library for kernel headers),
glibc-devel-*(developmental c library),
cpp-*(c language preprocessor),
 binutils-*(binary configuration utilities),
gcc-*(gnu c compiler),
tcl-*(scripting lanquage needed to run binutil configuration utility to run ), tk-*(scripting cd lanquage needed to run binutil configuration utility to run ).
178.        shell:> cd    /usr/src/linux-2.*(change to this directory to run the kernel operations) . And under the /usr/src/linux-2.*/configs/ directory you will see configuration template files. Based on cpu of the machine sample kernel configuration template file needs to be edited to your requirement/customize
179.        Configure a  custom kernel procedure(we need source code, c language compiler, libraries.
                In dir path /usr/src/linux-2.*  Shell:>make mrpoper
make command is nothing but a script execution named "MakeFile" in which it goes to the particular section given and executes it. “Make mrproper” command execute and proceed with caution. if you did a custom configuration on your system then you find a configuration file .config on your system , copy it to seperate directory and change the file name to different name and load it back to the Linux directory /usr/src/linux-2.4/.  Otherwise if you a run the command “Make mrproper” then that command will delete the old .config file in the directory /usr/src/linux-2.4 which is your custom configuration file for kernel.
To make a configuration file .config you can use “make config(text based tool)/”make menuconfig”(it is still a text based installation but you can make changes if you do something wrong in the process) commands. To use make menuconfig you need to have two more important packages installed on the system which are ncurses4-*, ncurses-devel-*
180.        (Redhat recommended installation process method  for new  kernel.)Run bashshell>Make xconfig to configure your linux system which is recommended by red hat.After completion of this step run the below commands
 make dep command will check for dependencies. Make clean will prepare the source tree for source compilation
Make bzImage to build the kernel. Run Make Modules to make modules . Make modules_install will install the modules. Make install will copy the new kernel to all the associated directories and will create the ramdisk file by running the scripts.) Run the above commands shown above one after another to install the kernel with correct configuration.
NOT NEEDED{genisoimage \\\mkisofs -o file.iso -b isolinux.bin -c  boot . cat -no-emul-boot   -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v  -T isolinux 
  mkisofs  is  effectively  a  pre-mastering  program  to   generate an ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS hybrid filesystem.
{ An emulator typically enables the host system to run software or use peripheral devices designed for the guest system)
( -o filename Specify the output file for the the  ISO9660  filesystem  image.
-b eltorito_boot_image  Specifies the path and filename of the boot  image  to  be  used when  making  an El Torito bootable CD for x86 PCs.
–c boot_catalog  Specifies  the  path  and filename of the boot catalog, which is required for an El Torito bootable CD
-boot-load-size load_sectors  Specifies the number of "virtual" (512-byte) sectors to load  in no-emulation mode.  The default is to load the entire boot file. Some BIOSes may have problems if this is not a multiple of 4.
-boot-info-table  Specifies that a 56-byte table with information  of  the  CD-ROM  layout will be patched in at offset 8 in the boot file
- -R     Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rock  Ridge  protocol  to further describe the files on the ISO9660 filesystem.
- -J     Generate Joliet directory records in addition to regular ISO9660 filenames.
 -T Generate a file TRANS.TBL in each directory on the CD-ROM, which can  be used on non-Rock Ridge-capable systems to help establish  the correct filenames }
181.        use kernel version ”bigmem " distribution  for i686 machines with more than 4gb of memory
182.        shell:>umount (to un mount a device)
183.        bashshell:>/sbin/mkbootdisk  2.4.20-69(The iso option instructs mkbootdisk to make a bootable ISO image on the hard disk that can later be used with a CD writer to create a bootable CDROM . The boot floppy created by mkbootdisk contains five files: boot.msg, initrd.img, ldlinux.sys, syslinux.cfg and vmlinuz. vmlinuz is the compressed Linux kernel executable, and it is bootable.)The general syntax for mkbootdisk is
mkbootdisk [options] kernel
usage: mkbootdisk [--version] [--noprompt] [--device <devicefile>]  [--verbose -v] [--iso] [--kernelargs
<args>] [--size <size>]  <kernel>
                                (ex: mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd1     2.0.31)2.0.31(kernel version) – - device (use device file)
183.        An entry in shell:>cd /etc/fstab file {/etc/fstab(/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root /  ext4    defaults,noatime,discard,acl,usrquota        1 1)
184.        shell:>quotacheck --help
185.        shell:>quotacheck -avcm (-a :all, c:create new quota files, -m :do not remount filesystem read-only)
186.        shell:> edquota <user-name>(ex: edquota kumar)
187.        shell:> cat /etc/warnquota.conf(will go with warnquota  script)
188.        sudo(super user do)
189.        shell:>cd /etc/sudoers  | less (read the sudoers  file and watch for sections of
user_Alias( Runas_Alias
Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple systems).
Syntax:  user    MACHINE=COMMANDS
The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it.
Example :Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
kumar    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
190.        use visudo(to edit sudoers file)
191.        the sudo entries will be /var/log/secure file . shell:> cat /var/log/secure
192.        useradd –D (print or change default useradd configuration)
193.        shell:> cd /etc/skel directory (where the default files will be stored  such as bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  .gnome2  .mozilla, so that whenever a new user is created these defaults are assaigned to every user )shell:> ls    –la  /etc/skel
193.        shell:>usermod -p <passwd> siri
194.        shell:>userdel    –r    kumar(remove home directory and mail spool of user kumar)
195.        shell:>userdel  kumar
196.        IN /etc/passwd file where the system related login information is stored
197.        In /etc/shadow file where the encrypted passwords for logins are stored
198.        In /etc/group file where the group information is stored
199.        rhel-config-users/system-config-users( A graphical user interface to add user operation and group operations in large)
200.        [root@localhost etc]# find / -name system-config-users
Results of the above command(notice the graphical system-config-users is in different paths
201.        webmin a progam to install on linux which can be used to administer the machine or cluster (a script to create users in batch)
202.        shell:> cat /etc/bashrc (A file in which fucntions and aliases go in /etc/bashrc) System wide functions and aliases
203.        shell: >cat /etc/profile(system wide env and startup programs,for login setup)
 shell will run 1st /etc/profile
2nd local .bash_profile(when logged in . Local env go in here)
3rd in .bash_profile runs a .bashrc (.bashrc:  User specific aliases and functions)
4th .bashrc runs a /etc/bashrc
Hint: It's  better to create a shell script in # /etc/profile.d/ to make custom changes to your environment, as this  will prevent the need for merging in future updates.
-----------                        ------------------------------------------------------
204.        shell:> fsck (file system check) (fsck on root and /boot is avoided at most times)
                Usage: fsck.ext4 [-panyrcdfvtDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize]
                                [-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size]
                                [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal]
                                [-E extended-options] device
205.        shell:>fdisk(create partition)( is a advanced program used to experienced users to create a partition by specifying options on the command line while running it. It will create /erase the old one if any mistakes are done which will have a loss of data)
                                Usage:  fdisk   [options]    <disk>    change partition table
 Fdisk   [options]    -l <disk>    list partition table(s)
 fdisk   -s <partition>      give partition size(s) in blocks
203.        e2label(changing labels on partition) usage:   e2label    device     [newlabel]
204.        sync(save changes to disk)
205.        shell:>ls /lib/modules(where all the modules of the kernel are present)
206.        shell:> sbin/mkbootdisk(to make a boot partition command)
207.        shell:> yum install dvd+rw-tools
> dvd+rw-format  -force  /dev/sr0  (to format a dvd)
cdrecord   dev=/dev/sr0    blank=fast(wodim  is  used to record data or audio Compact Discs on an Orange Book  CD-Recorder or to write DVD media on a DVD-Recorder. Usage : wodim [options] track1...trackn)
Usage: dvd+rw-format [-force[=full]]       [-lead-out|-blank[=full]] 
[-ssa[=none|default|max|XXXm]]      /dev/dvd
208.        shell:>/sbin/mkbootdisk --device   /dev/sr0        2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.i686
(it check for file named 2.6.32* on the current directory and writes on device /dev/sr0 as boot disk)
209.        If Linux is unable to boot for some errors , put the installation floppy inside the dvd device and do a rescue operation. Three options available in rescue mode when running by a disc to do a rescue operation
-select f5 or type linux rescue to go into rescue mode
once in rescue mode you have three options “continue”, ”readonly”,  ”skip”.
The entire file system will be mounted under /mnt/SYSimage if you choose continue,read-only.
210.        shell:>fdisk –l  (gives the information of the mount filesystem on the machine)
211.        shell:>e2fsck /dev/sda1(can be checked only when the file system is not mounted because the /dev/sda1 is the /boot partition.)
212.        shell:>e2label  /dev/sda1 /boot
213.        shell:>Mount    /dev/sda2     /tmpMount/
214.        sync(run it three times recommended by redhat)( sync - flush file system buffers)
215.        shell:>umount   /tmpmount    
----------------  -------------------------------------------------
216.        RPM(redhat package manager)
i-install,e-erase,-U upgrade,-q query, -V verify
217.        shell:>rpmbuild --rebuild webmin-1.110-1.src.rpm(To build a binary file from source file)
218.        shell:>redhat-config-packages
219.        redhat network,Erata,Schedule, more way to do a update of packages on the system by using into and follow the links)
All updates and errata for Red Hat Enterprise Linux are available via Red Hat Network (RHN) and can be downloaded and installed with up2date.  The up2date is a utility provided with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
        rhn_register(To register your system with Red Hat Network (RHN)
                    To list all updates available for your system:up2date –l
                    To download and install all updates: up2date –U
To download only all updates(these are stored in 
/var/spool/up2date directory): up2date -u –d
By default, all kernel updates are on the "Skip List"
and will not be installed. To force up2date to install
any kernel updates you need to include 
 the -f option: up2date -uf

220.        shell:>/root/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/webmin-1.801-1.noarch.rpm(noarch is no architecture distribution can be installed on any machine)
-------          ----------------------------------------------------------
221:        desktop environments distributions for Linux (Gnome, KDE)
222.        Window Managers(clients are displayed ,moved, resized,.... functionality is taken care by window managers)
Metacity ,sawfish,windowmaker(for Gnome)
kwin(for kde)
222.        display managers-initial login screen(the display managers where the windows are managed to display without any additional functionality)
gdm(gnome display manager),kdm ,Display managers(gdm,kdm)
223.        /etc/gnome/ (path where gnome related files present), ~/.gnome where “.gnome2” is present at home of every user which is his customized desktop option.
224.        display manager is a xClient, default Display manager is gdm, in path/etc/X11/perfdm shell script sets default as  scripted, Display manager starts a session manager( xsm - X Session Manager )xsm  session manager once it started it takes care of xClient. Gdm (usr/sbin/gdm) same with gdm with gnome.
225.        startx will excute X windows on the console . where X windows is a child process of shell
226.        (dm vs startx)
==gnome-control-center(in path /usr/bin/gnome-control-center)
==to change window manager go to ~/.bash_profile edit it with export
window_manager ="sawfish" and save it .
==switchdesk  gnome , switchdesk  kde(will switch between gnome and kde desktop environments)
==gnome-"press tab" twice(to find more gnome programs)
In the typical client/server relationship, the client application runs on the local machine and the server application can run on either the local machine or a remote machine (i.e., any other computer on the network). In X, however. this relationship is inverted in that each local machine contains X server software and can access X client programs that run either on the same machine or on a remote machine. This has the advantage of eliminating the need for the application programs to be aware of the details of the graphics cards, monitors and other hardware, thereby simplifying the development of such programs and facilitating their servicing of multiple users on the network simultaneously.
Any application program that runs in a GUI provided by X, which is virtually every GUI used on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, is an X client. Thus OpenOffice, Apache, gedit, gFTP, the GIMP, rCalc and Xpdf are all X clients when used on such operating systems.

--------------------------               ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
227.        xFree86(is a command line  tool for X windows)( XFree86 was an implementation of the X Window System.)
228.        xclient -display <hostname:0.0> -geometry Xsize x Ysize, +X offset,+Y offset {using xclient command setting for the windown X SIZE and Y size(with –geomety option) for the hostname given in “–display” option}
229.        run xf86config is a program that generates  XF86Config file
230.        XF86Config is the configuration file for xFree86
231.        shell:>info XF86config
232.        shell:>X & (to start X windows)
== X server(x server to work perfectly need  x font server running) An X server is a program in the X Window System that runs on local machines (i.e., the computers used directly by users) and handles all access to the graphics cards, display screens and input devices (typically a keyboard and mouse) on those computers
233.        X font server (xfs service), XF86config,   fonts must exits in path /usr/x11R6/lib/X11/fonts
xfs [ -config configuration_file ] [ -daemon ] [ -droppriv ] [ -inetd ] [ -ls listen_socket ] [ -nodaemon ] [ -port tcp_port ] [ -user username ]
xfs is the X Window System font server. It supplies fonts to X Window System display servers. The server is usually run by a system administrator, and started via init (8) or inetd (8) . Users may also wish to start private font servers for specific sets of fonts.
234.        GUI Tools to configure x windows is  redhat-config-xfree86(old tool is Xconfiguration)
235.        alternatively run xf86config in /etc/X11 (be careful)
236.        apropos xf86config,  apropos gnome(The apropos command displays a list of all topics in the man pages)
237.        xwindows is working with desktop environment and a window manager to give the
look and feel
238.        shell:>/sbin/init 3 (to run in runlevel 3)
239.        After starting at logon page press control +alt +f1 to get text based logon screen
==xterm   -display    localhost:0.0 &   (to display x client),   and press Alt+f7  to get xterminal window in xsession.
==cd /usr/X11R6/bin(is where window programs are present)
240.        xclock    -display    localhost:0.0    -geometry 50X50-0-0&    (display xclock window program as with geometry option)
-----------------------  ------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------    ------------------------
For example, if you're using iptables, you could allow traffic on these ports and eth1 (the private network interface) with these commands:( iptables — administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT)
 241.       Shell:>sudo iptables -A INPUT    -i eth1   -p udp   -m multiport   --dports 5404,5405,5406 -m conntrack              --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED   -j  ACCEPT
{-i: Name of an interface via which a packet was received (only  forpackets  entering  the  INPUT,  FORWARD  and PREROUTING chains), -A:append,-p:protocol, -m :match, -d:address, -j: This specifies the target of the rule; i.e., what to do  if  the  packet  matches  it, --ctstate:satelist is a comma separated list of the connection states  to  match.  Possible states are listed below}
Iptables  is  used  to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IPv4  packet filter rules in the Linux kernel.  Several different tables  may be  defined.   Each  table contains a number of built-in chains and may also contain user-defined chains. Each chain is a list of rules which can match a set of  packets.   Each rule specifies what to do with a packet that matches.  This is called a‘target’, which may be a jump to a user-defined chain in the  same  ta-ble.
242.        Shell:>sudo iptables -A OUTPUT  -o eth1   -p udp    -m multiport –s ports 5404,5405,5406 -m conntrack
--ctstate ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT--match -m match extended match (may load extension)
 --proto                -p proto protocol: by number or name, eg. `tcp'
--source      -s address  [/mask][...]  source specification
--destination -d address[/mask][...]  destination specification
--in-interface -i input name[+] network interface name ([+] for wildcard)
--jump  -j target target for rule (may load target extension)
--out-interface -o output name[+] network interface name ([+] for wildcard)
---------------------------    --------------------------------------------   -----------------------------------------------------------
243.        Shell:>less /root/install.log ( the installation log entries in /root/install.log directory)
244.        Shell:>kudzu is a hardware indentification  package.
        kudzu  detects  and configures new and/or changed hardware on a
       When started, kudzu detects the current hardware, and checks it against
       a  database  stored  in  /etc/sysconfig/hwconf,  if one exists. It then
       determines if any hardware has been added or removed from  the  system.
       If  so, it gives the users the opportunity to configure any added hard-
       ware, and  unconfigure  any  removed  hardware.  It  then  updates  the
       database in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf.
       If  no  previous  database  exists,  kudzu  attempts  to determine what
       devices have already been configured, by looking at /etc/modprobe.conf,
       /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

245.        Shell:>cd /var/log> cat dmesg(dmesg is a system  startup log)
246.        Shell:>dmesg | less (  is a explanation of dmesg file verbose output)
247.        Shell:>/usr/bin/setup is program called text mode setup utility which actually to run )( setup - A text mode system configuration tool)
248.  Shell:>authconfig-tui,system-config-firewall,ntsysv,
      timeconfig{(authconfig,  authconfig-tui  -  an  interface  
      for configuring  system  authentication resources. 
      Use system-config-authentication  GUI application or the
     command line options instead.)( ntsysv - simple interface
      for configuring runlevels)(timeconfig  provides  a 
      simple method of configuring both /etc/syscon-fig/clock and
     /etc/localtime which is compatible with both the standard
     Red Hat startup scripts
     and timeconfig(8).)}
                  [options]   {--update|--updateall|--test|--probe|--restorebackup
                                <name>|--savebackup <name>|--restorelastbackup}
 ntsysv [--back] [--level <levels>]
        timeconfig [--utc] [--arc] [--back] [--test] [timezone]
249.        Shell:>system-config-authentication
250.        Shell:>redhat-config-network
251.        Shell:>redhat-config-services
------------------------- -----------------------------------------    --------------------------------------------------------------
252.        Shell:>Disk Druid(to setup the partitions and raid setup)
==Do not do a raid set up for /boot partition because the /boot should be at a single partition only
==And for other software raid partitions do not set up a mount point . Do setup a mount point after the set up of raid.
253.        Shell:>fdisk –L (text based implantation of raid)( Partition table manipulator for Linux)
                fdisk [-uc] [-b sectorsize] [-C cyls] [-H heads] [-S sects] device
                 fdisk -l [-u] [device...]
                 fdisk -s partition...
                 fdisk -v
                 fdisk -h
==select RAID button on the partitioning window and do the necessary steps to attach
the above software raid member partiions in this step to create MAKE A RAID DEVICE working with a mount point
==Text based setup of raid and graphical setup of Raid(disk druid)
254.        Shell:>LVM(logical volume Management) new to redhat 8.0,pv(physical volume, logical volume group, logical volumes to mount point  with each volume.
==to do a logical volume from a physical volume.
==Using Disk Druid through graphical representation we can do physical volume to logical volume.
==lvm,pv,lv,lvg and so on.(logical volume management, physical volume, logical volume,logical volume group)
255.        shell:>info lvm (location of lvm directory /etc/lvm/lvm.conf, and location lvm of specific for user   $HOME/.lvm_history
256.        shell:>lvextend -L +100 /dev/volume00/logvol00(to extend 100 megabytes)( lvextend: Add space to a logical volume
==Raid levels(0,1,5),Hardware raid, software raid, Lvm (
----------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------
network installation issues:
257.        Network installation, kickstart, Grub,  Lilo boot loader.
258.        In  path   /images  we will have bootnet.img  file to do a installation through network.
259.        client machine(minumum installation),server machine(make access to this machine from any client machine so that network installation is done without problems)
260.        shell:>mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom   /mnt/cdrom(To mount the cdrom to the server machine under /mnt/cdrom)
261.        shell:>df -h( to report filesystem disk space usage)
262.        shell:>mkdir /rhinstall , cp –av  /mnt/cdrom  /rhinstall ( copy the contents of installtaion disk cdrom to the directory on /rhinstall directory on server machine)
==go to /etc directory on the server machine and do some change to export file emacs /etc/exports
/rhinstall  *  (ro) and save the exports file.
263.        shell:>mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom (do the mount on client machine ),copy "bootnet.img" to the client machine by using "dd" command,
==dd   if =/mnt/cdrom/bootnet.img   of=/dev/fdo (use dd when ur copying .img files )
==put the floppy disc and start the machine it will prompt a boot:where you type linux askmethod
"boot:linux askmethod"
==nfs,ftp,http(enter client and server information to install linux after prompt of boot:linux askmethod"
264.        shell:>kickstart (using kickstart method to automate the installation of linux installation), using ks.cfg to automate,(use anaconda-ks.cfg in /root, edit sample.ks  to get to required, use ksconfig GUI to do the required in /usr/sbin)
==boot: linux ks=floppy"
==boot: linux ks=nfs:"
==boot: linux ks="
==boot: linux ks="
==more anaconda-ks.cfg ( to see different options)
==grub, lilo (linux loader)
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
265.        Disk Druid only available at installation
266.        shell:>DD more user friendly,fdisk, sfdisk,fdisk allows actions to be scripted.
==DD is only available at installation , but after installation you want to partition then you got to use fdisk.
==tab to move to next option available and space bar to select .
-------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------           ---------------------------------------
267.        Business perspective, user perspective, technical issues.(while installation of Linux)
==business & end user perspective, Main system or supplemental, Starting fresh or migrating?
Types of problems
268.        Hardware, operating system (kernel),application software, configuration, user
269.        Kernels are denoted by x.y.z (“y” should be even number instead of odd number) stable
release is a y with a even number.
270.        change and check in /etc for system wide problems , .filename problems with user specific
==Plan of attack Observer problem first hand (Recreate the problem), and work on it, formulate a guess as to cause, attempt to fix (keep records), Go back to step1 until fixed.
==preventative measures buy supported hardware, stay away from untested software, and don’t overclock
271.        shell:>cd /var/log/  ;   /var/log:>cat boot.log,  maillog, maillog.1(boot.log in location of path  /var/log/boot.log)
272.        shell:>cd /etc/ , shell:>cat rsyslog.conf | less (rsysconf in /etc directory)
273.        shell:>cat syslog.conf | less
                Check the output , and you find few lines  about paths of log files locations.
  ==mail.*     /var/log/maillog,    ==authpriv*     /var/log/secure,       ==cron*     /var/log/cron,    ==*.emerg     *(to display to everybody) ,        ==kern.*        /dev/console, 
==*.info;mail.non;authpriv.none;cron.none       /var/log/messages
274.        shell:>dmesg (displays log files recorded when starting )( dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer)
275.        shell:>ifconfig   etho (ifconfig - configure a network interface)
                                ifconfig [interface]
                                 ifconfig interface [aftype] options | address ...
                {Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident  network  interfaces. It is used at boot time to set up interfaces as necessary.  After that, it is usually only needed when  debugging  or  when  system  tuning  is needed.  If no  arguments  are  given, ifconfig displays the status of the currently active interfaces.
276.        shell:>route   (specficies the routes used by eth0 and eth1)( route - show / manipulate the IP routing table)
277.        Shell:>df  /boot (report file system disk space usage)
278,        shell:>du *, du / , du /boot(du - estimate file space usage)
279.        shell:>fsck (check and repair a Linux file system)
                fsck.ext4 [-panyrcdfvtDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize]
                                [-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size]
                                [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal] [-E extended-options] device
280.        shell:>lpq(lpq - show printer queue status)
281.        Shell:>top (top - display Linux tasks)
                                top -hv | -abcHimMsS -d delay -n iterations [-u user | -U user] -p pid [,pid ...]
                                -a sort by memory usage
                                -b batch mode operation
                                -M detect memory units
                                -s secure mode operation           
282.        shell:>cd /etc/init.d ( where all process scripts are present)
283.        lock files(sometimes when the process is killed by a kill -9 option then the process lock file will prevent the service to get restared with a restart command. SO in that case search the process lock file and delete it and restart the process. The lock file will get generated when the process starts.)
284.        when the process is already running any configuration changes for it to take effect will have to get restarted. But if you are restarting when it is in use the users will get effected , so make changes to process conf file and use kill -1 <pid>where -1 option for kill is sighup.sighup is saying that when the process is again restarted anytime soon please apply the necessary configuraition change without killing it.
Use start and stop scripts in etc/init.d directory to proper stop and start scripts of processes.
285.        shell:>kill -l ( to see all the signals of the kill command type kill –l)
286.        shell:> ip    (show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels)
 ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }
OBJECT := { link | addr | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | tunnel | maddr | mroute | monitor }  OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -s[tatistics] | -r[esolve] | -f[amily] { inet| inet6 | ipx | dnet | link } | -o[neline]}
287.        Shell:>ip    addr  , shell:> ip    link,   shell:> ip   -s     link (For statistics use)
288.        shell:>cancel  (cancel cancels existing print jobs. The -a option will remove all  jobs  from the specified destination, check these commands lp , lpr, lprm,lpstat
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